This is a post that has been sitting on my heart for quite some time. I'd like to thank my sweet readers in advance for your kindness, patience, and encouragement.
"I don't really have much time to pray, I'm too busy with x, y, and z." -me
Who's ever said or thought that before? (No worries, this is a judgement-free blog.) If you're anything like me, your prayer life might more closely resemble my workout schedule
Part One: Praying In The Car
If college has taught me anything over the last three years, it's that I spend way too much time in the car going to and from places. This can be stressful or relaxing, depending on traffic, but I have a few tips for increasing in sanctity while on the road.Talk to Mom
No, not your mom-mom, though you honestly should call her more often. I'm talking about the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God and Queen of Heaven and Earth! Most Catholics have a rosary hanging from their rearview mirror--when was the last time you took it down and went through those beads? Even a fifteen-minute commute is enough to squeeze in a few decades! Don't quite remember the mysteries? You can go through the rosary without them if need be, or do what I did at the beginning and write them on index cards to review when stopped or before heading out. Personally, I've seen my road rage decrease significantly during the commutes where a rosary is involved.
Talk to Jesus
Not a long commute, or need something to ease you in? Try the Chaplet of Divine Mercy! Also prayed with rosary beads, this is a great prayer for anyone. If you're new to meditatively repetitive prayers, I'd highly recommend this.
Talk to God
Now, I mean, both of the above options include talking to our Creator. But if you're particularly stressed out, just start chatting. He is definitely listening. Quite frankly, I've found that if I pour out all of my frustrations on Him before talking to my best friends about a situation, I find inner peace much faster and with fewer chances to gossip surrounding me. After all, isn't He your best friend anyway? cue 90s power Christian ballads
Listen to Uplifting Radio
This can be as simple as turning on Christian music that you love, a podcast or CD about the faith, or simply listening to the Bible via books-on-tape. Or, you know, some other method. Relevant Radio (970 AM, online, and on their mobile app) features a rosary every night at 8 PM and a mass ( Saturdays at 8:30 PM.
Listen to Uplifting Radio
This can be as simple as turning on Christian music that you love, a podcast or CD about the faith, or simply listening to the Bible via books-on-tape. Or, you know, some other method. Relevant Radio (970 AM, online, and on their mobile app) features a rosary every night at 8 PM and a mass ( Saturdays at 8:30 PM.
Street Signs of the Cross
The Mister said something lovely the other day when I was thinking about a sign I do so subconsciously now: "if you feel like you should cross, cross." On the road this typically manifests as I'm passing:
- graveyards or place where I know someone has died (for the souls in purgatory)
- emergency vehicles and accidents (for the protection and healing of all)
- churches in communion with the Catholic church (hello, Jesus)
- literally anything else that can be offered up in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (including my temper)
MAJOR NOTE: Stay safe while operating a motor vehicle. Do not be on your phone, even to look at the mysteries. Make safe choices. Be aware of the weather and traffic conditions.
I'll be back with Part Two: At Home at a later point. But first, feedback--do any of you pray in the car? Any tips or favorite prayers to share?
Signing off for now,