Hello friends!
As I entered this summer of crazy-busy schedules and difficult-yet-rewarding experiences, I decided that there was no better time to start reading--I mean REALLY reading--the Bible. On April 4th, at the Easter Vigil in my university parish, I officially became a full and confirmed member of the Catholic Church under the name St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. A few weeks later, on May 16th, I stood beside my sweet boyfriend as he too was confirmed, as St. Ignatius of Loyola. (Might I note that out of probably close to one hundred folks he was the only St. Ignatius!)
As I watched these beautiful ceremonies, attended mass, and researched like a madwoman, a little voice kept sneaking into my head with a single phrase: remember why you joined. When I heard that--really heard that--I paused my Pinterest scrolling. What? What was God trying to tell me?
Then I realized it.
Whenever someone asked with, with more than a dash of incredulous inflection, why I decided to join the Catholic faith, I have the same base answer: because I see the Scriptures reflected everywhere. In every tradition, every mass, everything we do there is Scripture.
*note: no, that does not mean perfection in everything we do. We are, after all, haunted by concupiscence. :)
And at that moment I was convicted. Here I was, a neophyte and a sponsor--was I spending nearly as much time with the Word as I should? Not at all. So with a chapter count for each book on my screen, my color-coded and over-loaded Lilly planner on the desk, and a pen in hand, I created my own reading plan with the goal of getting through "the books less traveled." These are books that I only heard the "M&M's" from when growing up by reading one chapter every day. Personally, I like to make my Bible the last thing I touch before bed, phone included. I set my alarms, say my goodnights, set it on the charger across my room, and get to work studying that Scripture.
I challenge each and every one of you to join my Bible study with taking a look-see--let me know how it goes!
1-6: Galatians (6 chapters)
7-12: Ephesians (6 chapters)
13-16: Philippians (4 chapters)
17-20: Colossians (4 chapters)
21-26: First Timothy (6 chapters)
27-30: Second Timothy (4 chapters)
1-31: Proverbs (31 chapters)
1-22: Revelation (22 chapters)
23-27: First John (5 chapters)
28: Second John (1 chapter)
29: Third John (1 chapter)
30: Jude (1 chapter)
31: Philemon (1 chapter)
**Reading tips**
-Put technology away
-Put on the Hymns Pandora station if you're like me and can't stand a silent room
-Begin in prayer
-Use a journal
-Apply pen and highlighter as prescribed
-Close in prayer
-Find an accountability buddy (or six) to discuss with
Much love,
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